the 21st portfolio

musings of creatives and literary critics of the 21st century.

Twine of Death

Twine of Death entangle me,

weave a cocoon deep in my soul,

you burn the very air I breathe,

and grasp me with a firm, sharp hold.

Adrenaline fills my grotesque veins,

like those that cradle dying brains

as I have held those few I loved

while clockwork ticking

quickly waned.


This poem is inspired by The Last of Us, specifically the HBO adaptation, as I found that it places great emphasis on how people are emotionally affected by the desolation of a post-apocalyptic world, and living under constant and permanent threat. The poem focuses in particular on the theme of grief when losing loved ones, with the imagery of “clockwork” waning referring to the symbolism of “death” in Joel’s broken watch.