Category: Analysis
The Monstrous Paternal in Gothic fiction
A brief exploration of the theme of paternal failure in contemporary and classic Gothic fiction
A long-form poem and reflection that I wrote about loneliness, loss and yearning.
Brit Lit Cut Content
Just wanted to share a little tit-bit of some cut content I was planning to use for the Brit Lit creative assignment and some of my reasoning for not having included it in my final works. For the creative assignment, I wanted to really hammer in on my home town and experiences with displacement and…
Why is it called “Open Water”?
In this short analysis I explore why the title of C.A. Nelson’s 2021 novel has a deep meaning within the text. What exactly does “Open Water” mean as a metaphor, and how is it used for effect? And perhaps more importantly, where are those damned sharks I was promised?