the 21st portfolio

musings of creatives and literary critics of the 21st century.

Category: Poetry

  • Something Fishy?

    Hey all, thought I’d provide my first upload with a short piece of poetry that I wrote when my dating life was….n’t. People kept telling me there was “plenty of fish in the sea”, or “just try x dating app”, and this was the result. Please enjoy <3 Dating Plenty of fish in the sea…

  • Brit Lit Cut Content

    Just wanted to share a little tit-bit of some cut content I was planning to use for the Brit Lit creative assignment and some of my reasoning for not having included it in my final works. For the creative assignment, I wanted to really hammer in on my home town and experiences with displacement and…

  • astrology poem

    bunni and i were on a mad one earlier and wrote a collaborative poem about how much we love and value eachother and how we’ve healed our connection with other women through eachother and. here’s the spawn of the mad one // meelo, milo, miles – conjoined twin heart tremor pressed between our own throat…

  • post content

    still shaky at using wordpress, but whatever its poem time!! this one goes out to all my babygirls – i originally wanted to write it about social media/how we create a fictional identity online, but ended up making it about the difficulties of being an artist in the current state of the creative industry!! idk…